Water companies fines invested in restoration fund

By Staff
2 Min Read

The UK Government has unveiled plans to reinvest up to £11 million in fines and penalties collected from water companies into a dedicated Water Restoration Fund.

Environment Secretary Steve Barclay made the announcement, highlighting the fund’s aim to enhance the water environment through community-led initiatives.

The Water Restoration Fund, established as part of the government’s Plan for Water, will provide grant funding to support local groups, farmers, and community-led schemes.

These projects will focus on activities such as enhancing biodiversity and improving community access to water environments.

Environment Secretary Steve Barclay said: “I know how important our precious waterways are to local communities and to nature, which is why we’re taking tough action to ensure our regulators are well-equipped to hold those who pollute them to account.

“Through the Water Restoration Fund, I will be making sure that money from fines and penalties – taken from water company profits only – is channelled directly back into our waterways.”

Natural England’s Chief Executive Marian Spain said: “The fund is great opportunity for landowners, communities and nature bodies to help make a real difference to the condition of our Sites of Special Scientific Interest and to restore natural processes in catchments to provide the nature and health benefits that society needs from water.”

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