Volvo Buyers Claim New Vehicles Came with Counterfeit Parts

By Staff
2 Min Read


00:00.119 –> 00:04.280
Volvo buyers in China got an unwelcome surprise
recently when they discovered some

00:04.280 –> 00:06.590
irregularities in a standard component.

00:06.880 –> 00:10.760
According to Chinese media outlet SoHU, as
reported by Car Scoops,

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several owners posted concerns on social media
about the speakers installed in their S60

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One customer reported that his upgraded premium

00:19.399 –> 00:23.309
quality speakers from the brand Bowers and
Wilkins weren’t there.

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Instead was a set labeled Bowers and Wilkins.

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With the second word starting with two V’s
instead of the W,

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the owner also reported that their vehicle’s
gear shaft,

00:34.259 –> 00:37.450
which on this high-end Volvo was made of a
crystal-like material,

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was missing its typical light emitting feature.
Other reports suggested a piling on of

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additional Volvo buyers who claimed similar
findings, leading some to ask whether the

00:47.419 –> 00:50.130
counterfeit products were installed

00:50.380 –> 00:54.099
Volvo’s China division issued a statement as
the backlash spread saying.

00:54.209 –> 00:59.229
The company attaches great importance to the
irregular behavior in the new car sales process,

00:59.560 –> 01:03.950
reported by some customers, and that it deeply
apologized for the trouble and inconvenience.

01:04.129 –> 01:08.919
Volvo also said it was launching a special
investigation in order to root out what

01:08.919 –> 01:14.120
happened, stressing that it already utilizes a
strict full-length traceability management

01:14.120 –> 01:16.120
system for original accessories.

01:16.480 –> 01:21.160
Volvo added that in the future it would further
strengthen the supervision and management of.

01:21.699 –> 01:26.290
dealers, comprehensively standardized sales
service standards and processes,

01:26.500 –> 01:30.430
and effectively protect the legitimate rights
and interests of every customer.

01:30.699 –> 01:35.510
All that said, some observers expressed concern
that the damage has already been done.

01:35.940 –> 01:40.569
Carskoop says local media in China indicates
that Volvo’s brand reputation has taken a hit,

01:40.970 –> 01:46.300
adding that the incident raises uncomfortable
questions about oversight and accountability

01:46.580 –> 01:48.410
within Volvo’s supply chain.

01:48.860 –> 01:50.849
I’m Anna Wells.
This is manufacturing now.

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