Turning sludge into gold: ‘Ash stone’ project scores funding

By Staff
2 Min Read

Yorkshire Water leads a consortium awarded £2.3 million from the Ofwat Innovation Fund (OIF) to spearhead the Advanced Thermal Conversion (ATC) Gasification project.

Dubbed ‘Ash Stone’, this initiative aims to transform sewage sludge treatment using gasification technology.

Partnering with Enertecgreen (ETG), Queen’s University Belfast, the Carbon Trust, and water utility companies like Thames Water and United Utilities, Yorkshire Water seeks to address sewage sludge challenges.

The gasification process aims to convert sewage sludge into biochar, vitrified ash ‘stones’, and syngas, targeting the removal of contaminants such as microplastics and ‘forever chemicals’.

Potential applications include biochar as wastewater treatment media and soil enhancer, while vitrified ash ‘stones’ could reduce the construction industry’s carbon footprint.

Dr Danielle Hankin, innovation programme manager, Yorkshire Water, said: “Once proven, the Gasification process will produce sustainable wastewater treatment media and construction material, generate green electricity, and could create high value products such as biomethanol, aviation fuel or hydrogen.”

Helen Campbell, senior director, Ofwat said: “From raingardens to prevent flooding to green energy from treated sewage, innovations to cut the water sector’s carbon footprint to robots that patrol the pipe network, the winners are all helping shape a more sustainable and efficient water sector.”

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