The critical need to maximise used car profitability

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How automatic data analysis is proven to boost dealer margins

Research by Auto Trader suggests that dealers are missing out on £31 million in profit due to under-pricing their used car stock. It found 47,500 cars on its platform that were listed below retail market average, meaning some 8,000 retailers are losing thousands in profit potential.

The fact is that motor retailers across the industry are spending far too much unprofitable time crunching numbers and updating spreadsheets manually across multiple systems, leaving them less time to focus on selling cars at the right price and hitting profitability targets.

In addition, the volatility of used car values is making it difficult for dealers to keep on top of the market and adapt their strategy and tactics quickly, to remain both competitive and profitable. This is not a sustainable business model.

The Autopoint cloud-based solution from specialist automotive business intelligence experts, Mazepoint, solves this problem. It merges data automatically from dealer and industry sources to present a complete view of historical, current and predicted performance, all on one platform, whether on a desktop or smartphone app.

Stock of any quantity can be accurately priced and organised with just one click, eliminating hours of unnecessary manual input. By taking care of all the data analysis, dealer profitability can be boosted dramatically, as well as speeding up stock turn, identifying slow moving vehicles and building desirable auction lists.


Motor retail still suffers from high rates of workforce attrition, making consistent sales performance challenging. With Autopoint, sales teams can manage their workload much more efficiently and more profitably.

“Clear and visual reporting makes the daily task of managing multi franchises clear and simple without the need to log into multiple platforms. This not only saves time but also puts money back on the bottom line.”

Jeff Hocking

Regional Director, Perrys Motor Sales


Autopoint can start delivering in just a few hours. A cloud-based solution means it can run in parallel with existing DMS and sales systems, so comparisons can be made before switching with no risk to business continuity. 


By highlighting what is working and what isn’t, Autopoint is proven to deliver outstanding ROI. Providing accurate market insight means retailers can respond to changing conditions and pivot their strategy and tactics, to maximise profitability.


Linked directly to Auto Trader’s API, Mazepoint is an authorised and recommended partner of Auto Trader and is also Cyber Essentials certified.

  • Integrates with all DMS and Sales Enquiry systems
  • Live sales reporting on one platform with mobile app
  • Automatic monitoring of margin and profit potential
  • Eliminates hours of manual data analysis
  • Monitors stock turn performance by retail rating and location
  • Supports single and multi-site groups
  • Bulk upload facility to identify desirable stock in minutes
  • Fast, zero risk onboarding
  • Expert customer support with extensive dealer experience

Contact James Noble, Managing Director, on 020 7348 7600 or [email protected]

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