Participants heard from project partner, Syndex, about its initial findings following in-depth desk research and surveys with trade union representatives across Northern Europe. Key issues included the difficulties in attracting skilled workers, access to raw materials, and the financial challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) to invest in their sites. A working exercise took place to further dive into these issues and identify possible solutions to include in the final report expected in 2026, which will be shared with companies, policy makers and other relevant stakeholders.
Isabelle Barthès, industriAll Europe’s Deputy General Secretary, said: “ The aviation sector is important in Northern Europe and provides hundreds of thousands of jobs in the supply chains. These jobs are highly qualified and skilled jobs, and it is important that we keep these and the sectoral know-how in Europe. However, the sector needs strong supply chains to stay competitive. Problems faced by large companies are felt even more strongly by SMEs. We want all companies in the supply chain to thrive and provide good jobs with decent pay.’’
The full-day workshop was followed by a site visit to Rolls-Royce Oberursel, a tier 1 supplier which produces blisk compressors; a key technology for fuel-efficient engines. Participants met with Works Council representatives and management to discuss challenges such as attracting and retaining skilled workers, supply chain disruptions, and work time planning. Over 50 young people at the site benefit from the German dual education system and a presentation of the apprenticeship programme followed, with a tour of the company’s onsite training facilities.
Isabelle Barthès, added: “We have long been calling for more high quality and well-paid apprenticeships, and it was good to see this in practice at Rolls-Royce Oberursel. We need to attract young people to the sector, and decently paid apprenticeships, with good working rights and job prospects, are key to this.
“Young people are the future and they will design and build the green aircraft we need for a more sustainable aviation sector. We need to see more fully funded programmes like this, not only at company level, but also for SMEs which need extra support. We call on all stakeholders to come together to help attract and train the industrial workers of the future.’’
See also: FLY-SUS project, Sustainable aviation: EU worker-led supply chain project takes off! and Aerospace