Is Lincolnshire the right place to store radio active waste?
Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) has published ‘Areas of Focus’ in Mid Copeland, South Copeland and East Lincolnshire as part of the search for a suitable site and a willing community to host a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF).
A GDF is essential for the permanent disposal of the UK’s most hazardous radioactive waste, ensuring future generations are not burdened with its management.
Similar projects are advancing globally, with Finland’s GDF expected to open by the decade’s end and Sweden and France planning for the 2030s.
The areas in the UK earmarked as possible sites, will undergo detailed studies and investigations to assess their potential for safely and securely hosting a GDF.
Selection was based on geological data, environmental protections, and built-up area considerations.
However, identification does not guarantee a GDF will be built there—construction will only proceed once a suitable site is confirmed, community support is secured, and all required consents are obtained.
“NWS is delivering a GDF as the safe, secure, and long-term solution for the most hazardous radioactive waste,” said Corhyn Parr, CEO of NWS. “We are making real progress and establishing these Areas of Focus will help direct our investigations to help us determine the potential suitability of a specific area, with on-the-ground surveys, further desk studies and engagement with landowners.”
NWS will continue site evaluations and community engagement to discuss what these studies mean for each area.
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