Report Identifies Major Flaws in OT Security

By Staff
3 Min Read

Research from MxD (Manufacturing x Digital, a recent guest on the Security Breach podcast), the digital manufacturing institute and the National Center for Cybersecurity in Manufacturing supported by the Department of Defense, has revealed an urgent need for the U.S. manufacturing sector to strengthen its cybersecurity posture.

The report, titled Behind the Firewall, establishes the sector’s cybersecurity preparedness and finds that manufacturers are overestimating their capabilities.

Securing U.S. manufacturing has emerged as an economic and national security priority as the manufacturing sector remains the most targeted sector worldwide for cyber-attacks. The report found:

  • 76 percent of manufacturers are confident their organization can prevent cyber risks and respond to cyber-attacks.
  • 34 percent of manufacturers have comprehensive system security plans (SSPs) in place – a fundamental cybersecurity requirement and often required for compliance.
  • 43 percent of all manufacturers have a dedicated cybersecurity leader, such as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or Director of Cybersecurity.
  • The disparity is stark when compared by size: 88 percent of large manufacturers (500+ employees) have such leaders, compared to 35 percent of small- and medium-sized manufacturers (fewer than 500 employees).
  • 82 percent of manufacturers are planning to raise cybersecurity spending in the upcoming budget cycle.

“The supply chains which support U.S. manufacturing are only as strong as their weakest link. We must strengthen at every level to ensure a resilient domestic manufacturing capability, including within the defense industrial base,” said MxD CEO Berardino Baratta. “We see a sense of overconfidence in our research results, which is concerning given that everyone is at risk, from the largest multinational to small- and medium-sized manufacturers who often lack the proper resources to protect themselves from cyber-attacks.”

“Manufacturing sector cyber-attacks are no longer rare, one-off events,” said MxD Director of Cybersecurity Michael Tanji. “The rise in incidents shows repeated and concerted efforts to steal IP or other company data, resulting in production shutdowns, logistical delays, and more.”

This report launches as MxD reaches its 10-year anniversary and underscores the imperative for strengthening U.S. manufacturing competitiveness and resiliency. As a public-private partnership, MxD convenes and collaborates with manufacturers to prepare and protect domestic supply chains against cybersecurity threats.

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