TAIPEI – Quick Jet Machine demonstrated the precision of its five-axis AV-1812X at this year’s Taiwan International Machine Tool Show (TIMTOS) by creating a massive aluminum hand.
Quick Jet Machine representatives explained that the CNC machine crafted the behemoth from a 3D scan of the CEO’s right hand giving a “thumbs up.” The cutting process, which took about 15 hours, then shaped an aluminum block that weighed more than 1,100 pounds into the nearly 250-pound final product.
Serving aerospace, automotive and energy industries, the AV-18-12X measures roughly 13 feet tall, 15.5 feet long and weighs approximately 45,200 pounds. The machine’s X-axis offers an elongated travel design of 1,800 millimeters paired with a C-axis rotary worktable that provides 15 rotations per minute.
Additional features include a built-in spindle capable of 24,000 revolutions per minute and 42 kilowatts of torque, positioning accuracy of .004 millimeters, repeatability of less than .002 millimeters and Heidenhain’s iTNC640 HSCI control system.