LK Metrology (Hudson Heights, MI) announced its new range of modular range of change racks for CMMS.
- Available for use not only on CMMs manufactured by LK, but on other makes of measuring machines
- Organizes storage of tools and accessories and makes them easily accessible
- Reduces risk of accidental damage
- Support rails either 500 mm, 600 mm or 700 mm long designed to carry one or more of new rack modules, which are split into three categories
- Several may be combined to provide comprehensive storage when using mix of probe and sensor technology
- Motion of CMM locks and unlocks probe head autojoint to effect exchange
- No need for requalification after changeover
- TSR: multi-sensor tool storage rack having either 5 or 10 ports, with cover to protect them and probe interface
- Able to house any combination of laser scanners, touch trigger probes, surface finish probes and extension bars
- Enables adaptation to variety of inspection tasks
- Ensures optimal tool is used for each part of CNC cycle
- Three-port SSR stylus storage racks for automatically changing styli themselves
- Three-port MSR module storage rack for holding and exchanging tactile scanning probe modules
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