Good lab-meat should taste like real meat, says expert

By Staff
3 Min Read

The human brain can recognise lab-grown meat.

This is what Che Connon, Scientist and Founder of biotechnology company, BSF Enterprise, told us in this week’s Net Hero Podcast.

Mr Connon said: ‘Your brain is tuned to be very sensitive to these things. It’s not just the flavours, it is the texture and how much force you need to bite into it.

‘When you bite into a piece of pork and as your teeth close on it, it is relatively soft to begin with and then it stiffens up as you apply more force.

‘Your brain can recognise all these different processes and it associates different sensations to different cuts of meat.

‘This is why it is so difficult to generate these types of meat through artificial means, because of the complexities of the cell structure.’

Mr Connon’s company, BSF Enterprise have created a lab-grown fillet of pork that he believes is unrecognisable as alternative meat.

Che Connon said: ‘We did an internal taste test and it tastes like pork. It had the same mouth-feel and the colour was right.

‘It was a filet so we did not have to focus on the visible layers of fat. It took us two months to generate but that is surely less than the time it takes to grow a pig.

‘We think that in order for it to be successful long term in this cultivated meat market, it needs to be reminiscent, more than reminiscent of what meat is and fulfil that urge or need that people have to chew, bite and taste meat.

‘Ultimately, I would like to get to a point where people are not even thinking about whether or not it is cultivated meat. And we do have the technology now to make that happen.’

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