Former E.ON UK chief takes helm at National Energy System Operator

By Staff
2 Min Read

Dr Paul Golby has been officially appointed as the first Chair of the National Energy System Operator (NESO).

This decision, made by Energy Security Secretary Claire Coutinho, signifies a significant milestone in NESO’s establishment, tasked with independent operation and supervision of Great Britain’s electricity and gas networks.

Dr Golby, possessing extensive industry experience, notably as Chief Executive Officer of E.ON UK and in leadership positions at National Grid, will assume his responsibilities starting 6th May.

His appointment follows a rigorous selection process by the Energy Security and Net Zero Select Committee.

NESO is slated to launch as a public corporation in the summer of 2024, functioning independently from commercial interests and subject to regulatory oversight by Ofgem.

Energy Security Secretary Claire Coutinho said: “With demand for electricity forecast to double by 2050, and with ambitious net zero goals to hit, this new organisation under his leadership will help us create a modern system that powers Britain with secure, clean energy, and keeps costs low for bill payers.”

Incoming NESO Chair, Dr Paul Golby, said: “Decarbonising our energy system, whilst ensuring security of supply at an affordable cost, is one of the most important challenges facing the UK.”

Commenting on the news, Fintan Slye, executive director of the ESO said:  “With his wealth of experience and leadership across UK business and the energy industry, Paul will help to set NESO on course for success, as the organisation is formally stood up later this summer.”

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