Ford Mustangs Recalled to Fix Issue Caused by Previous Recall

By Staff
3 Min Read


00:00.439 –> 00:03.759
Sometimes automotive recalls have a tendency to

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That’s the case for Ford, which just recalled a
batch of vehicles that were just recalled last

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year to fix a problem that occurred during the
previous recall.

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Last summer, Ford recalled more than 30,000
2022 and 2023 Mustangs due to a

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calibration issue with the secondary steering.
Torque sensor left unchecked,

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the problem could cause the steering wheel to
start turning on its own,

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which is definitely something you don’t want.

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Now the automaker has filed a secondary recall
with the NHTSA for about 300 Mustang vehicles

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that did not have the update installed
correctly, but were recorded as having received

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the repairs successfully completed in Ford’s

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That means those vehicles are still in danger
of having the steering wheel begin oscillating

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without warning due to the electronic powered
steering gear,

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providing unintended and unwanted steering

00:55.029 –> 01:00.099
It’s obviously not an ideal situation for Ford
and any Mustang owners who don’t like it when

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their car tries to steer itself, but it’s kind
of incredible that the secondary issue was

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caught at all.
It started in November 2024 when an audit was

01:09.540 –> 01:14.500
requested for software part numbers applied to
vehicles remedied under a sample of field

01:14.500 –> 01:17.690
service actions.
When that data came back insufficient,

01:17.940 –> 01:22.989
the audit was expanded and it discovered that
about 2% of the vehicles originally recalled

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didn’t match up between the soft.

01:25.010 –> 01:28.000
State on the service tool and the new software

01:28.290 –> 01:32.160
Fortunately, no injuries or accidents were
reported due to the recall,

01:32.370 –> 01:36.080
so the potential phantom steering problem never
got out of hand.

01:36.739 –> 01:41.160
Ah, Ford sold nearly 2.1 million vehicles in

01:41.410 –> 01:46.440
The traditional Mustang and the Mach E
accounted for nearly 100,000 of that total.

01:46.769 –> 01:51.089
So the automaker’s business is still
overwhelmingly trucks and SUVs,

01:51.180 –> 01:54.489
but the Mustang is still a significant part of
the equation.

01:54.839 –> 01:57.059
I’m Ben Munson and this is manufacturing now.

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