E.ON has partnered with Danish waste company ARC, to launch a carbon capture and storage (CCS) project that aims to remove 400,000 tonnes of CO₂ annually from the waste-to-energy plant CopenHill in Copenhagen.
The agreement, signed at the top of the plant’s iconic chimney, marks E.ON’s entry into the Danish Energy Agency’s CCS tender, which mandates full CO₂ capture by 2030.
The project’s success is dependent on receiving funding through Denmark’s CCS support scheme.
A key feature of ‘CopenCapture’ as it’s called, is the removal of biogenic CO₂ – emissions from organic waste such as contaminated paper and cardboard – leading to negative emissions.
These are classed as Carbon Removal Credits (CRCs) and will be sold on the voluntary carbon market to companies seeking to offset or reduce their emissions.
E.ON now views CCS in waste-to-energy (WtE) as essential for achieving climate goals.
While residual waste treatment remains necessary, its emissions still present a challenge.
CopenCapture is designed to offer a sustainable path forward, capturing carbon while continuing to generate electricity and heat for the local community.
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