
When Humans Use AI to Earn Patents, Who Is Doing the Inventing?

The advent of generative artificial intelligence has sent shock waves across industries, from the technical…

By Staff

NASA Taps UTA To Shape Future Of Autonomous Aviation

Envision a world where unmanned aircraft deliver goods to your front door and transport passengers…

By Staff

Inside the ‘Nuclear Batteries’ That Power Faraway Spacecraft

Powering spacecraft with solar energy may not seem like a challenge, given how intense the…

By Staff

Ursa Major to Deliver Chemical Propulsion Capability for Tactical Satellite Bus Systems

Ursa Major has been awarded a contract for delivery of fully integrated GEO propulsion systems for a customer focused on…

By Staff

How to Integrate Cobots Without Cutting Corners on Safety

Grand View Research projected that the global cobot market size, valued at an estimated $2.14 billion in 2024, would grow…

By Staff

5 Minutes with MNET: The Building Blocks of Digital Commerce

In this episode, we welcome Vera Nieuwland, a director in Kaufman Rossin’s Digital Transformation Service practice, to the conversation.She has…

By Staff

Customized Bentleys Now Come in 46 Billion Different Configurations

WEBVTTX-TIMESTAMP-MAP=LOCAL:00:00:00.000,MPEGTS:000:00.200 --> 00:04.670Of course we all love to buy products that aretailored to our specific wants and needs,00:04.920 --> 00:08.909but…

By Staff