Brits ready for battery and hydrogen planes

By Staff
2 Min Read

A recent survey commissioned by the Jet Zero Council reveals that most Brits are willing to fly on eco-friendly aircraft powered by batteries or hydrogen.

The research indicates that nearly 82% of Brits are open to the idea of flying on a hydrogen-powered plane, while almost 77% would consider flying on aircraft powered solely by batteries.

Despite reservations regarding range and weight, almost 37% of respondents expressed willingness to board a battery-powered aircraft, while nearly 40% indicated they would contemplate the option.

Confidence in hydrogen-powered aircraft is higher, with 35% stating they would embark on a flight propelled by hydrogen and an additional 47% expressing openness to the idea.

Rachel Gardner-Poole, Chair of the Jet Zero Council Zero Emission Flight Delivery Group, said: “It is really helpful to see the views of the general public on these important topics.

“Battery electric aircraft are already being used on a daily basis by some UK-based private flying schools, and will expand significantly to urban and rural settings in the near future, with regional flight also anticipated.

“Meanwhile, emerging hydrogen propulsion will be capable of domestic flights, and in the longer term, international routes will be flown using hydrogen.”

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