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The Today in Manufacturing Podcast is brought to you by the editors of Manufacturing.net and Industrial Equipment News (IEN).
This week’s episode is brought to you by ShopVue, a CAI Solution. Managers and engineers face a wide variety of obstacles on the plant floor that weaken productivity. The root of these problems can often be tied to reliance on outdated data.
Using yesterday’s information to make today’s decisions simply won’t cut it. So download Benefits of Real-Time Production Monitoring in Manufacturing to find out why real-time production monitoring is becoming a must-have for manufacturers.
Every week, we cover the five biggest stories in manufacturing, and the implications they have on the industry moving forward. This week:
Ford Mustangs Recalled to Fix Issue Caused by Previous Recall – @2:16
Last summer, Ford recalled more than 30,000 2022-2023 Mustangs due to a calibration issue with the secondary steering torque sensor.
The Impact of Tariffs on Industrial Manufacturing – @10:08
Tariffs have sent ripples through industrial manufacturing, significantly impacting production costs, supply chains, and overall competitiveness, especially in machinery and industrial equipment.
Boeing Closes First Shadow Factory – @19:55
About two weeks ago, we discussed Boeing’s new effort close shadow factories in Washington that fix, maintain and update planes instead of building new ones. The company is already closing its Everett location.
Volvo Buyers Claim New Vehicles Came with Counterfeit Parts – @26:12
Volvo buyers in China recently found some irregularities.
Micro-Factories Could Build a New Home Every 12 Hours – @33:12
ABB Robotics recently partnered with Automated Architecture (AUAR), a UK construction technology company, to build ConstrucThor.
In Case You Missed It
New Stove that Plugs into Normal Wall Outlet Could Be Major Gain for Health and Climate – @42:22
The 120-volt stoves don’t need rewiring to 240 volts like standard electric stoves.
Supreme Court Confronts National Headache of What to do with Nuclear Waste – @48:17
Where is spent nuclear fuel stored now? And where would it go?
First 3D-Printed Valve Manifold Assembly Installed on an Aircraft Carrier – @52:55
The assembly is 5 feet long and weighs 1,000 pounds.
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