Billion-pound Viking Link launches: Powering up 2.5m UK homes

By Staff
2 Min Read

National Grid has officially inaugurated Viking Link, a £1.8 billion project connecting the UK with Denmark, representing a notable development in renewable energy infrastructure.

Spanning 475 miles, Viking Link aims to provide clean energy to 2.5 million UK households.

The project is expected to bring £5.2 billion in consumer benefits over 25 years, underscoring its economic and sustainability impact

Group Chief Executive Officer of National Grid John Pettigrew said: “In an ever-changing global energy market, the value that connections like Viking Link can provide to national energy security cannot be understated.

“Over its lifespan, this record-breaking connection will deliver over five billion pounds in efficiencies for UK consumers, allow us to trade hundreds of gigawatts in surplus power, and provide an indispensable tool in guaranteeing the continued reliability of our energy system.”

Energy Security Secretary Claire Coutinho said: “At 475 miles long, Viking Link is the world’s longest land and subsea interconnector. This incredible feat of engineering will help us achieve net zero while strengthening our shared energy security.

“The record-breaking connection will power up to 2.5 million UK homes with clean energy from a trusted ally while saving consumers £500 million on their energy bills.”

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