IndustriAll Europe joins national German rally on 15 March. My Workplace! Our Industrial Jobs! Our Future!
On Saturday, 15 March, workers across Germany will take to the streets of Hannover, Stuttgart, Cologne, Frankfurt and Leipzig for a national demonstration organised by IG Metall.
IndustriAll Europe supports our German affiliates in their fight, and will join workers on the streets of Cologne.
Judith Kirton-Darling, General Secretary of industriAll Europe, says: “Europe’s industry is at a crossroads. We support our German colleagues in their fight for urgent action to safeguard jobs. Policymakers must urgently decide on strong measures to ensure production remains viable in both Germany and across Europe. We need a real industrial policy with massive investment and social conditionalities attached. The new German government must be aware of the challenges. Now it’s up to them to secure the future.”
More information on the rally can be found at the website of IG Metall here