Solidarity with the workers of Beko in Wrocław and Łódź, Poland

By Staff
2 Min Read

Workers at Beko’s plants in Wrocław and Łódź, Poland manufacturing white goods, are preparing to demonstrate today against the threat of plant closures.

Accusations of poor economic performance have been put forward as a reason for the planned shutdowns. The local workers refute this argumentation as they suspect that costs generated by other factories have been manipulated internally in the group to create a case for closures.

The factory in Wroclaw has a strategic location as it is placed in near proximity of significant trade routes. In the event of an end to the war in Ukraine followed by massive reconstruction, there will be a spike in the demand for white goods and the geographical proximity of all Polish white goods manufacturers will be a huge merit in such a scenario.

The refrigeration branch in Wroclaw has won several awards, a recognition of the plant’s high standards of production, working conditions and competitiveness. Workers at the plants, represented by Metalowców NSZZ Solidarność, were assured in a meeting on 5 July, that the sites would remain open and workers would keep their jobs. Going back on this decision is a clear breach of social dialogue and of workers’ collective bargaining rights.

IndustriALL general secretary Atle Høie says: “We stand in full solidarity with our affiliate Metalowców NSZZ Solidarność and with the workers. We support tomorrow’s demonstration and hope that putting the spotlight on this threat of loss of livelihood will bring management back to the negotiation table.”

“People want to work, to produce values as well as earn a safe monthly income. Our two federations call on the management of the company to launch initiatives that can sustain employment for the future,” says Isabelle Barthes industriAll Europe deputy general secretary.

Read the joint letter here   

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