Damas MMS:E Nominations – Energy Live News

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8 Min Read

The module aims to fully cover the cross-border nomination business process, be it the reception of nomination values from nominators via an automated API, or their manual entry via GUI. The module targets both the TSO domain as well as the HVDC interconnector specifics.

The story of the Nominations module started by consistently gathering feedback directly from our clients, thanks to our Energy Service Desk being in touch with end users on a daily basis. This resulted in a prototyping phase, during which a functional prototype was created to further elaborate the enhanced user experience of our newest information systems.

Damas MMS:E Nominations Module

The Damas MMS:E Nominations module provides all the necessary features to fully support the cross-border nomination process. This includes coverage of the following business areas, offering an easy and flexible extensibility:

  • Business process configuration, process timing setup, nomination model settings
  • Transmission Right reception and management
  • The cross-border nomination process, incl. everything from when the nomination gate opens, through nomination entries, and all the way to when the gate closes
    • Apart from explicit nominations, the reception and display of implicit nominations from external sources are also supported
  • Nomination values reception via automated API
  • Nomination entry via GUI or manual file upload
  • Default nomination functionality – allowing automated nomination generation when the gate opens to the level of the available transmission rights for the given timescale. The functionality can be utilised for a single day, a period of time, or simply “from now on” (up until modified)
  • Pre-nominations – allowing nomination composition (i.e., preliminary entry) in advance, yet before the relevant nomination gate opens. The user enters specific values per MTU (be it 0 or any other MW value, and once the relevant nomination gate opens, the pre-nominations are automatically nominated)
  • Same as the default nominations, this functionality is configurable per the timescale (and auction interval in case of intraday) and again for a specific date, time interval, or “from now on”
  • Detailed and aggregated nomination overviews with strict data separation and view selection depending on the user role and permissions
  • General possibility to download the values into a MS Excel (or compatible) spreadsheet
  • Aggregated view on the overall daily process – a dashboard summary containing an overview of the available transmission rights per the timescale as well as a graphical display of recent and upcoming events (reception of transmission rights, nomination gate opening, etc.) with direct navigation to the related entry forms or overviews
Image: Unicorn Systems

Focus on the User Experience

Market Participants are a key group of system users, whose business processes executed in the systems are often business- and time-sensitive. Once logging into the system, these users need to be brought to a landing page where they’ll immediately find all the needed information and relevant links. And that’s exactly what the Trading Summary provides.

The Trading Summary displays the information through a set of already existing components, now fine-tuned and composed for each purpose.

  • Transmission Rights displayed graphically with a selection or combination of timescales, including the summary value
  • The Business Day Timeline visualises the process flow, showing the most recent, current, and upcoming events. Typically, this highlights the most important milestones, such as the reception of Transmission Rights or nomination gate openings and closures, all accompanied by a clear countdown time
    • Users can use the intuitive Business Day Timeline widget to both see the related countdown (until the gate opens or closes) and receive the option to immediately navigate either to the Nominations entry screen or to the Transmission Rights overview, etc.
  • The daily timeline is accompanied by a list of nomination gates – again, equipped with an appropriate countdown and a direct link to the related action
  • When navigating to the Nominations entry screen for the currently opened nomination gate, all the parameters come pre-set with the entry form already in “edit” mode. That means no time is wasted by looking for the right form and setting the right parameters
    • With this feature, the manual nomination entry lasts less than a minute!
    • Reflecting end-user preferences and feedback, the Market Participants can now nominate both directions at the same time.
    • Important business data (Transmission Rights, Nominations, etc.) are displayed on a graph in addition to an ordinary tabular view. Transposed view (i.e., horizontal or vertical arrangement) is available to fit even more specific user preferences.
    • The entered nominations are immediately visible in the same graph, marking the difference between the nominations and the available transmission rights.

Each user is welcome to use these components to modify their dashboard screen however they like. Each component can be resized and moved – the components can be shuffled around to create a new look and feel by simply using the drag-and-drop feature. Unwanted components can even be hidden. Once modified, the target layout is stored to the user’s preferences. The layout can be further modified at any time, or it can be simply reset to its default layout.

Using the system late at night? No problem: Dark Mode can be used throughout the entire system. Dark Mode makes the system more convenient to use, especially considering the many professions with 24/7 work schedules and users working in areas with restricted lighting.

Enhancing the Damas Functionality

The Damas MMS:E Nominations module is not the first one of its kind. Rather it’s an addition to an already existing variety of business modules, including the Balancing module. The Balancing module was created to fully support the process of acquiring the balancing energy to ensure grid stability and market efficiency.

The Balancing module has been successfully applied within a number of Damas MMS:E implementations, including several European transmission system operators:

  • TSO in Portugal (REN – Redes Energéticas Nacionais), in live operation as of March 2024
  • TSO in Romania (Transelectrica), live operation in July 2024
  • TSO in Greece (IPTO), expected live operation in July 2024

Discover more about the Damas MMS:E Nominations HERE.

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