IndustriAll Europe reiterates that European workers demand more than just rhetoric on quality jobs. Europe is in a deep crisis. We are suffering from bad corporate decision-making, lagging investment and the lack of a clear European industrial strategy. Over recent months, we have recorded over 100,000 announced job losses in our sectors. In some industries, the situation is worse than during the global financial crisis. Therefore, the new Clean Industrial Deal must protect workers, safeguard jobs and drive investment into retraining and upskilling. To do this, mandatory social conditionalities are vital.
IndustriAll Europe has called on unions across Europe to join us on 5 February in Brussels, at Place Jean Rey, to demand that the European Commission delivers the much-needed, proactive European industrial policy, based on investment, solidarity, quality jobs and innovation, in line with our climate commitments.
The European Commission and national governments must address the short-term problems without losing sight of the longer-term challenges. Quick, dirty fixes will only damage European industry further.
5 crucial actions
IndustriAll Europe has identified five crucial actions to prevent deindustrialisation:
1. We must protect our workforce and industrial capacity (through SURE 2.0)
2. Invest to fund social and clean transition initiatives, stop austerity and reassess fiscal rules
3. Use public procurement to boost demand
4. Bridge the investment gap with remaining EU funds
5. Ensure industrial resilience in global markets by combatting overcapacity and unfair trade to protect jobs
Make a real Industrial Deal for the long term
Our industries are the backbone of Europe’s economy. We demand a comprehensive industrial investment plan.
We denounce austerity policies that only accentuate the crises we face and which have failed to deliver economic recovery.
We want a real European industrial plan, which does not seek to follow or choose between China or the United States – a European plan which allows us to take back our destiny through investment, innovation, and research and development.
This plan must include:
• A Just Transition Compass prioritising training for a fair shift to sustainable industries
• A comprehensive industrial investment plan that embeds social conditionalities in all public investments
• The right to affordable, clean energy at home and at work
• Strengthened collective bargaining and worker participation
• Global supply chain guarantees ensuring fair purchasing practices and human rights due diligence
You can’t transform an industry you’ve already lost. Let’s mobilise before it’s too late!
Join us in Brussels on 5 February, from 10.30 am, at Place Jean Rey!